Camping day! We started off by meeting at the church early in the morning, we rolled out at about 7:30. We got there at around ten and began to set up slowly but surely.We came together and had a lunch of cold cuts, Pringles, apples, and Oreos. (What? No bananas?)
We got changed and started to head out on the Duck River. The river’s depth ranged from a few inches to about three feet, but there were some nice swimming holes too.
We were on the river for a few before we noticed it was about to storm, so we headed back upstream. When we got to our camp site (luckily it was right by the river) the already muddy ground, the tents, and any gear not y et put away was drenched, so we crowded underneath the kitchen canopy. After the storm we had an enchilada dinner, gathered firewood, had the campfire, and went to bed. 

The next day we got up later than planned causing everyone to feel a little hustled. We had a delicious breakfast of omelets in a bag, packed up slower than expected, had lunch, and went back home at about 1:30.
We arrived back at the church, unloaded gear, and went back home. In conclusion the trip went pretty well (especially if you like wet gear) and I would definitely do it again!