It was a great day for a water themed trip! We started off by meeting at the church around 7:15 in the morning, left the church at around 7:45, and got to the lake at around 9:00 Am. When we finally got there we unloaded the cars, got changed and divided into groups. My group went on to the surfing and water boarding boat, while the 2nd group got on to the water skiing boat. Raleigh demonstrated how lake surfing works, and he made it look very easy. However, when most of us tried it, it turned out to be very difficult, thank god we all survived. After that, the two boats met up for a swim break, and desisted to switch boats. When we were on the other boat, only a couple people could ski due to time constraints. I sadly wasn’t one of them, but it looked like a blast. We then got ashore for lunch, thanks to Tomato Fest, we had plenty of left over hotdogs, fruit, chips, and dessert for lunch. It seemed like a lot of food, but swimming made us all starved and we ended up eating it all. The groups got back on to the boats and we went far out into the lake to have a little free time. They asked us what we wanted to do and most of us wanted to either ski or swim. I swam and had a good time out in the middle of the lake with friends. Sadly, after about an hour or so, we had to go to group again, and get prepared to go back to the church. In the end it was a very exiting, super fun, and short trip. I would definitely do this again!