We had a great time skiing at Perfect North. Once we got there we had some cracker barrel(crackers, cheese, and grapes.)
We got there very late so after cracker barrel we went to bed. In the middle of the night the fire alarm went off and that woke everyone up(there was no fire. Everyone was safe). In the morning we had breakfast, picked up our sack lunches, and started to go to the slopes. We all skied till lunch. We did many fun slopes! Once we got back at lunch, we played some bacon-opoly. Then we head back out to ski. For dinner we ate a the ski lodge, and then we all had the option to do night skiing(everyone did it). For night skiing they turned on big flood lights so it was very bright! After that we headed back to the lodge, were we had more cracker barrel. That night there was no fire alarm going off, so we all got a good night’s rest. For the next day we had breakfast and picked up are sack lunches. We had another fun day of skiing and many big milestones for peoples skiing abilities’. After that we headed are way back home and on the way ate at Culvers!
This was a very fun and exciting trip!