Hey everyone,
At Grimes we paddled a total of 25 miles over 2 day. This was a challenging and exciting trip.
When we got there we had some cracker barrel and then went to bed. In the morning we quickly got ready for our first 17 miles of paddling. Once we were on the river we paddled to a little beach area were some of us jumped in the water(I say some because it was cold outside and people like me didn’t want to get wet). Then we kept on paddling until launch were we ate some pizza wraps. After that we paddled to a tree swing were some of us swang into the water. This was a fun stop! Next we made it to the 10 mile mark, BLUE ROCK. Here we then paddled until we got back to camp. At camp we had a cook of, the fruity bats VS the meat sweats(these are patrols, like groups). The fruity bats made a breakfast casserole and chocolate croissants. The meat sweats made a philly cheese steak and a mud pie. All of the food was very yummy and fun to make. The casserole and the mud pie were made in dutch ovens. Then we went to bed.
The last day was only 7 miles and this time we started at BLUE ROCK! We paddled until we hit a tree swing, were some people swang. Then we got back in our boats and paddled until we got back to camp. Once we were at camp we at lunch, packed up, and went home.

That is all,
Troop 3