This is the first Court of Honor for 2024 and it was a exciting one. Every Court of Honor scouts are encouraged to make food for a potluck. This time the theme was Mexican. We all talked and laughed before we started the ceremony. Some of us have jobs such as holding the flag or lighting candles. After the introduction is finished awards will be given out. Everything from merit badges to ranks to service project awards. The Court of Honor is a time to celebrate the scouts achievements. After all awards have been given there is one last award for the end, which is the scout spirit award. This is an award the adult leaders of the troop chose and it is given to a scout who has demonstrated one or more of the points of the scout law. For this Court of Honor it was Troop 3’s newest SPL, Owen. After the Court of Honor is finished we take pictures and go home to celebrate our achievements.
Thats All,
Troop 3