
Handbook: Basics


Advancement is the process by which youth members of the Boy Scouts of America progress from rank to rank in the Scouting program.

Advancement is simply a means to an end, not an end in itself.  Everything done to advance and earn these ranks, from joining until leaving the program, should be designed to help the Scout have an exciting and meaningful experience.


Although Scouts are awarded badges as part of advancement, a badge is recognition of what a young person is able to do, not merely a reward for what he or she has done.  The badge is proof of certain abilities, and is not just a reward for the completion of a task.


A fundamental principle of advancement in Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting and Venturing is the growth a young person achieves as a result of his or her participation in the program.


Advancement is not a competition among individual young people but is an expression of their interest and participation in the program.  Youth must be encouraged to advance steadily and set their own goals with guidance from their parents, guardians, or leaders.

Merit Badge Universities

An MBU is an opportunity for scouts to get merit badges outside of camp or their home.


Troop 3 serves four times a year at Woodland Presbyterian Church in Nashville helping to feed the homeless or poor. We provide a crew to cover the dinner shift for the 5th Saturday of some months.



 The troop has been feeding the hungry  for several years, and the boys always come out having a good time, and feel great!



Troop 3 also serves food at the Tomato Fest, and volunteers with the Friends of Shelby Park, doing occasional service projects.


EDGE Method

The latest Boy Scout requirements for Tenderfoot and Life ranks require the Scout to use the EDGE method. This is a four step method for teaching a skill.  EDGE is very basic, but it really does work.


The EDGE method is a four step method for teaching a skill:

  • Explain – First explain what you will be doing. Tell them the steps involved. Visual aids might be helpful for this step. Use questions to gauge their understanding.
  • Demonstrate – Show them how to do the skill. Demonstrate the steps using the actual materials. Describe what you are doing.
  • Guide – Let them practice the skill. Guide and coach them as they try to do it themselves. This step will take the most time.
  • Enable – Enable them by letting them do the skill themselves without any intervention.