Greeter Falls was the April trip for Troop 3 and it did not disappoint. It was a short trip but still amazing. As soon as we got to the campsite we set up our tents and then set off on our hike. We would hike around 7 miles to a waterfall with a blue hole at the bottom. Even though it was cold we had many scouts who still jumped in! The water was refreshing after a long hike. After a little while headed to back to camp were we made walking tacos, and let me tell you they were amazing. We started a campfire, talked for a while, and then headed to bed. The next day we drove to another hike, were we hiked to another blue hole. Because it was a little colder that day only 2 scouts jumped in the water. However it was still fun to see the waterfall and to talk on the rocks. After that we headed home. Greeter Falls may have been a short trip but it was still a blast to go on!

Thats All,
Troop 3