Since 1910 • Welcome to Troop 3

If you are interested in joining the troop or would just like to visit to check us out, contact our Scoutmaster at:

Mondays • 6:15pm

Woodland Presbyterian Church
211 N 11th Street • Nashville, Tennessee

What To Expect

  1. Troop Shop
  2. Contact our Scoutmaster to visit a meeting or two
  3. Sign-up on our waitlist form
  4. In April of every year we contact interested Scouts with an invitation to join Troop 3 and begin orientation

We would love to have you.  You need to contact our Scoutmaster via email to arrange a meeting to attend. 

Youth can join a Scout troop who have earned the Arrow of Light html icon rank and are at least 10 years old, or have completed the fifth grade and are at least 10, or who are 11, but not yet 18 years old.

Typically in April we accept new scouts, have orientation & training for parents, administer swim tests, collect all the documentation so that a new Scout can begin participating in troop activities.