Going ziplining was really fun. We got to compare how well we did by watching as each person went by. During the zip, we would do things like put our feet above our heads and scream or try to do the moon walk in the air. Our instructor was great […]
LBL mountain biking
The bucks Patrol headed to land between the lakes in Kentucky for a weekend of mountain biking. We stopped at the golden pond welcome area to get our backcountry camping permits. On the way in we saw these flying agarics which we had to stop and photograph. We set up […]
Boxwell Canoeing and Sailing
This was a very fun and succesful trip. Almost all the Otters finished their canoeing merit badge and all the Bucks got the sailing merit badge. The wind was perfect… so perfect, that a few sailboats capsized. The sail got a little muddy but otherwise they were okay. We played capture the […]
Wave pool bike ride
Cumberland Caverns
Cumberland Caverns was a great trip that everyone enjoyed. We got to crawl and climb over a ton of things. At one point we went to a place called Bubble Gum Alley, were everything was muddy. We even got to see a amazing light show that at first was pitch […]
Cumberland caverns
Camp Boxwell
Boxwell was amazing this year. One of the things that happened was during one of our breaks, David, Mr. Horace and I were playing soccer with Leo’s ball. That’s when I asked how high Mr. Horace could kick it. The first time he kicked it it got so high when […]
Adventures in Port St. Joe
We arrived in Port St Joe and after a quick stop at the budget friendly Piggly Wiggly, we headed to camp.We spent the following days canoeing, sailing, fishing, and snorkeling in beautiful weather. The Barracuda patrol had some terrifying moments on the canoe trip-we forgot the forks and plates for our Ceasar salad. […]
Troop 3 @ Camp Boxwell 2012
Hello to all, been a great time here at camp this week. weather has been good. cool at night. scouts are doing well, enjoying their mb classes for the most part. made some camp gadgets. johan taught younger scouts some knots and lashings. will post pics later. had many visitors. […]